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Since the partnership began in 2008, Starbucks has generated over $17M for the Global Fund to help fight AIDS with (RED). The most recent grant to the Global Fund was provided by The Starbucks Foundation to help break the cycle of HIV through educational programs and income-generating activities for adolescent girls and young women in Tanzania.

Meet Asnata

Before joining the TimizaMalengo project, 20-year-old Asnata Champugna had limited access to reproductive health education and health services, and she struggled to grapple with cultural norms that promoted marrying and having sex at a young age. It was through the TimizaMalengo project that Asnata was able to receive comprehensive sexual health education and reproductive health services, leading her to live a healthy and independent life.

Through TimizaMalengo, Asnata received training in entrepreneurship, career development, and financial management, all of which she said helped her grow as an independent and successful young woman. These training sessions included information on how to start and grow a business, how to work with customers, and how to manage business finances.

Asnata said she felt empowered from the TimizaMalengo project, leading her to start her own business with other young girls. As she grew her business, the profits she generated allowed her to make significant improvements to her home, including installing aluminum sheet roofing, a water pump, electricity, and a permanent toilet. The profits she made from growing her own  business has helped her become financially and socially independent, and she said she can now live more freely without relying on men around her.

Learn More About The Starbucks Foundation’s Support of the Global Fund